Thursday, March 29, 2007

Making money from the web is not easy...

I have to admit it is disconcerting at times to find some people still selling the concept of making money from the web is so easy "you can do it in your sleep" or "its childs play" ... its also disturbing to find some people still keep believing it too!

A lucky few might make a lot of money from the web but 99% of them would have put in hard graft, invested in decent web based systems and carried out careful competitor analysis, marketing and SEO to make their websites a financial success.

To those who think that to make money from the web is as simple as buying a cheap non targeted, non optimised website and sticking it online fora few measly quid in the hope the public are going to come pouring in, think again.

Spending little on websites and their marketing just doesn't cut the mustard and if you think thats all that it takes then I suggest you might want to look for a business venture somewhere else. That or you can waste your money.... but I won't be the one to take it from you...


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

French Furniture Company - Website Review

I spent some time with the owners of the French Furniture company recently going over changes they need to make to their website to ensure more sales and more traffic gained organically from Google so helping to reduce their spend on Google Adwords.

We went through the importance of content on a website's home page and why it is essential to target keywords not only on the home page but also across other pages on a website.

I also took them through understanding how to link to pages from content within their website and also the importance of building inbound links from other websites. We went over how best to vary links from various types of other websites including social media sites such as Digg, why just trading reciprocal links with anyone is the poor man's linking strategy, and instead why preferring to link with others who may well be able to offer furniture of a different type (so as not be non competitive) would likely be of more value to their website.

It is great to see them take steps towards ensuring their website is more user friendly and after speaking with them recently they say they have seen an increase in enquiries from the site AND an increase in their Adwords CTR.

So if you're looking for Louis French Style Bedroom Furniture to Ornate Mirrors then give the French Furniture experts a shout, I am certain you'll find them both knowledgeable and extremely helpful!



Monday, March 26, 2007

Back from my small break away...

Having spent some time away for my 34th birthday (and with the wife) I am now back in the office raring to go (and looking forward to my trip to the UK's Lake District towards the end of April).

Whilst away we managed to get some walking done (we were in Dartmoor National Park) up on the moorland.

The first day the weather was typically UK - dull and overcast, twas a little cold too... we walked from the hotel through Chagford and up onto the moor. However our plans were somewhat thwarted in that the area we needed to proceed through to the west was extremely flooded and marshy... so we diverted and headed north onto the moor for a few kilometres.

As time was pressing on we then headed off the moor and back down into more civilised country ultimately ending up in the village pub - not far from our Dartmoor hotel - Mill End Hotel. The skies brightened on the return journey and we even found time to check out Gidleigh Park (very impressive) - the manager took us on a tour of the newly refurbished hotel and it is somewhere we will definitely be staying for a couple of nights later this year...

I spent some time taking photos along our route which I have posted below - click on each one for a larger version.

Our second day (Saturday) - the weather was far better, if a little hazy... but you cannot moan at clear blue skies on Dartmoor any time of year... a northerly wind made it a little chilly but with the right gear nothing to worry about!

Have to admit we "cheated" a little and drove the car onto the moor and then started from up on top - fine by me...

Have to admit with the northerly wind hitting us head on, our way back to the car was a bit of a slog - especially walking on an old military road (North Dartmoor is an active military range), did tire out the old feet!

We got some great views though Helen admitted she didn't think Dartmoor was as dramatic as The Lake District's mountains.... true, but then the hills are not quite as steep in Dartmoor!

Enjoy the photos.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Creamy listings for 300+ keyword phrases!

I'm pleased to announce that the All Things Web site is now ranked on page 1 for OVER 300 keyword phrases related to SEO, Internet Marketing, Web Marketing to name just a few. Not a bad effort inside 9 months considering its been done on top of client SEO projects (and ecommerce too) and just by moi, rather than by a whole team with plenty of resources.

The site is listed for "how to's" relating to Google and getting a site listed to actual "web marketing services" required.... I'm pleased.... I might just share some of these keywords and my thoughts and planning with you so watch this space in the near future....

Note that I designed the All Things Web site content to be a resource especially with a BIG ETHICAL nod to Google and it's users. Seems its working.

So its one happy Daz tonight in All Things Web land!


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Engage... then FIRE!

Its too easy to forget who your market is online and to ensure your copy engages THEM.

If you don't engage your audience then how are you ever going to convert them into buyers?

Keywords in your content are important for search engines and USERS. Copy that keeps your audience on your website and generates a POSITIVE RESPONSE is just as, if not, more important!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Living on an SEO Knife edge - OUCH!

I've never been too sure about black hat SEO vs white hat SEO in the web marketing world - I think if you're "cheating" the search engines then there's no hats involved, just perhaps a lack of a proper and ethical attitude to those around you as well as the online public... my own personal opinion and not some sleight to any SEO black hatters out there... so keep your hair on if you think that targets you!

Still if "black hat SEO" is your thing you might want to check out:

Some interested techniques listed, how effective they are? Well it might be an interesting ride finding out!



Thursday, March 15, 2007

Successful lesson in Digg

I for one am still debating Digg's usefulness in the UK market but its always interesting to see others gain success from it.

Successful lesson in Digg



Looking for a team of guest bloggers

I've thought about this for some time and after 220 posts to this blog I really believe it can be cranked up by allowing guest bloggers from the web world a chance to put their mark on this ole' blog...

If you are into the following and interested in blogging as a guest - say no more than once a month please let me know I would love to hear from you!:

Web Site Accessibility

Website Usability

Search Engine Marketing Including SEO

Web Design using CSS Layouts

Web Statistics Analysis

Web Hosting

Keyword Research

Professional Link Building

If you are a Web Site Hobbyist then I'd be also in hearing from you... I'd like this blog to be even more of a resource and I believe guest bloggers would be a bonus to this blog and more importantly its users.

You can also place links in your blog posts to websites of your own (as long as they are decent websites and not pornographic or hate based websites) and get some link juice from a PR4 based blog.

Email me at



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Having FUN with FavIcon

Seems to be a lot of interest from people wanting the little icon in the url and tab in the browser to show their own branded logo over IE or Firefox's (or any other browser for that matter) efforts.

I found this little favicon generator at Dynamic Drive a while ago and thought it might be of benefit if you're looking to create a Favicon .ico file for free.

Let me know how you get on!


Monday, March 12, 2007

Top Directories with Super Free Submission

People know links are important to their websites but all too often budget is a serious issue and the free website directories are always in demand...

...for that reason I have linked to:

Top Directories with Free Submission

This should help readers of this blog to further increase the links to their website however note that I do not have control over this process and some directories only accept those websites with quality content, not just ones trying to sell products (so don't forget to add your how-to's and expert articles to get listed!)


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Thursday, March 08, 2007

I like this... Touchpoint Networking

I received a newsletter on networking with a link to a web page specifically talking about TouchPoint Networking... a lot of us likely do some of these networking techniques naturally but do we consciously think about it?

Touchpoint Networking

For the past 4 years I have used networking to reach out and meet new contacts in business... I'm a member of BNI for my sins and its a great way to build trust and alliances with other businesses... it is hard work having to be at breakfast for 7am with an hour's drive beforehand to get there but the rewards are well worth it...


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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

And the calls keep coming!

The hard work is paying off... today I received requests for 4 proposals for SEO work, yes 4! Its nice when your efforts pay off. My only concern now is having to tell clients I am booked up solidly till the end of April - my diary is pretty much full with e-commerce and seo projects. I've had to leave the odd day (and a half) a week clear to meet existing client requirements, I would not have made it without those loyal customers for which I am highly grateful.

Its a nice (but somewhat scary) position to be in!


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Are you getting the message?

Are your customers?

I find being outdoors in a retail shopping area is a real educational experience for me from a marketing perspective (it beats the actual shopping process which I detest, just ask my wife!).

In an area with dozens of shops ALL of them are competing for your business. All of them provide "MESSAGES" to entice you inside and once inside there are more "MESSAGES" to help encourage you make a purchase.

Your website should do the same giving MESSAGES at the right time and in the right place. It's all very well being listed at number 1 for your targeted keyword phrase on Google but if nobody is buying whats the point? The site at number 2 or 3 position that has MESSAGES and facilities to allow you to purchase online is more likely going to win new customer business over your site.

If you're stuck for inspiration on a website, trust me, head to the nearest shopping precinct and note the commonality with words being used. Think about which ones get your attention, then think about which ones hold and entice you into the shop. Those words in the retailer's MESSAGE that hit home are doing their job, if you were to take those words and apply subtly in your website content (heh it can scream out loud if you have that type of site!) then you're more likely to see an increase in visitors staying longer on your site, improving trust in you and your brand ultimately resulting in more enquiries or sales.

Give it a go (and get some fresh air at the same time), who knows you might just surprise yourself!


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Monday, March 05, 2007

Swear words in your blog... not big, not clever...

Nope swearing in blogs is not big and not clever.... well corporate blogs anyway... however I could not resist sharing this testimonial with you from a highly respected client of mine... I won't name him in full but thanks Jim! ;)

His testimonial which means a lot to me (and shows I can get results for clients!)

"He is a genuinely nice, no bullshit guy who produces results!"

Just the way I like, short and to the point.


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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Books tell a lot about an SEO'er

I like books. I like learning. I never get tired of these two.

I believe the books people read maketh the person... so with that in mind what books are you reading right now?

Mine currently are:

Marketing Principles and Practice - Adcoco, Bradfield, Halborg & Ross.

More of a revision - the book was published back in 1993 but to me it offers some great fundamentals in marketing techniques and principles in general.

AA Phrase Book in German.

Yah? Nein? After visiting Germany for work I've decided to go back as a tourist so best break out the phrase book and start getting comfortable with the German tongue.

Power, Influence and Persuasion: Harvard Business Scholl Press

I bought this book to help me learn more but it seems over the years with a lot of the content in this book I've actually worked out for myself. Still it sums it up nicely and not having finished it I'd guess there may be some "gems" yet to find.

Agincourt - The King, The Campaign, The Battle by Juliet Barker

I really wish I'd become an historian but it somehow passed me by... shame as I have a genuine love of Roman, Medieval and World War 2 history. An in-depth book on Agincourt, though it seems to concentrate more on the build up than the day itself... still it was highly fascinating and satisfying to see (basic elemental) human behaviour has not changed much in 500 years!

Readers Digest The Complete Vegetable Gardener by Fern Marshall Bradley and Jane Courtier

I like a challenge and our garden has a currently disused vegetable plot. This book is going to hopefully help me get some of my own organic product going and be a little more self sufficient... kind of getting into the organic and recycling thing in a big way...


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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Network network, network

I have set a plan to target clients on the Cotswolds in the UK as there is a lot of scope for me to work with businesses here that need website marketing and SEO.

As I have identified there is also a huge connection here on the Cotswolds with people commuting to London or working from home for businesses in London. Part of my global domination plan (shock! horror!) for All Things Web is to generate a profile from Swindon across to Cheltenham, up to Banbury and across to Oxford...

How will I do this?

By networking offline with other businesses... and I have already started...

My first visit to Lloyds Bank breakfast network meeting this morning went very well and I will also be visiting Highworth next week for a network meeting there.

Faringdon is also in my sights to visit and meet other businesses in the local area.

I shall let you know how I go but I was pleased with todays events (including finding "Sallys" an exclusive little cafe in Highworth where they seem to know how to actually please customers!)
