Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Are you getting the message?

Are your customers?

I find being outdoors in a retail shopping area is a real educational experience for me from a marketing perspective (it beats the actual shopping process which I detest, just ask my wife!).

In an area with dozens of shops ALL of them are competing for your business. All of them provide "MESSAGES" to entice you inside and once inside there are more "MESSAGES" to help encourage you make a purchase.

Your website should do the same giving MESSAGES at the right time and in the right place. It's all very well being listed at number 1 for your targeted keyword phrase on Google but if nobody is buying whats the point? The site at number 2 or 3 position that has MESSAGES and facilities to allow you to purchase online is more likely going to win new customer business over your site.

If you're stuck for inspiration on a website, trust me, head to the nearest shopping precinct and note the commonality with words being used. Think about which ones get your attention, then think about which ones hold and entice you into the shop. Those words in the retailer's MESSAGE that hit home are doing their job, if you were to take those words and apply subtly in your website content (heh it can scream out loud if you have that type of site!) then you're more likely to see an increase in visitors staying longer on your site, improving trust in you and your brand ultimately resulting in more enquiries or sales.

Give it a go (and get some fresh air at the same time), who knows you might just surprise yourself!


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