Sunday, March 04, 2007

Books tell a lot about an SEO'er

I like books. I like learning. I never get tired of these two.

I believe the books people read maketh the person... so with that in mind what books are you reading right now?

Mine currently are:

Marketing Principles and Practice - Adcoco, Bradfield, Halborg & Ross.

More of a revision - the book was published back in 1993 but to me it offers some great fundamentals in marketing techniques and principles in general.

AA Phrase Book in German.

Yah? Nein? After visiting Germany for work I've decided to go back as a tourist so best break out the phrase book and start getting comfortable with the German tongue.

Power, Influence and Persuasion: Harvard Business Scholl Press

I bought this book to help me learn more but it seems over the years with a lot of the content in this book I've actually worked out for myself. Still it sums it up nicely and not having finished it I'd guess there may be some "gems" yet to find.

Agincourt - The King, The Campaign, The Battle by Juliet Barker

I really wish I'd become an historian but it somehow passed me by... shame as I have a genuine love of Roman, Medieval and World War 2 history. An in-depth book on Agincourt, though it seems to concentrate more on the build up than the day itself... still it was highly fascinating and satisfying to see (basic elemental) human behaviour has not changed much in 500 years!

Readers Digest The Complete Vegetable Gardener by Fern Marshall Bradley and Jane Courtier

I like a challenge and our garden has a currently disused vegetable plot. This book is going to hopefully help me get some of my own organic product going and be a little more self sufficient... kind of getting into the organic and recycling thing in a big way...


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