Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Google Trends

A client of mine started a website just before Xmas 2005 and using PPC he saw increases in sales very quickly. As you can imagine my client was a very happy bunny!

Even though he is still receiving orders business has slowed up for him a little. I needed to find out why.

So in my efforts to ensure the online public get to his website I found out about Google Trends... its only been out for less than 3 weeks (feel free to correct me if I am wrong!) but its turned out to be a useful tool!


The first trend I checked was:


"Camping" as we can see below gains more searches than "hiking" which stays relatively stable but low in number of searches. Shame Google has not thought to put the number of approximate searches up the side of the graph. That really would help - even if it was just a rough figure.

I also noticed that the use of the "Camping" keyword increases coming closer to the Summer each year and rapidly decreases after Summer is over.

I'll be using this Google tool quite a bit more in the next few days to further refine camping equipment related keywords for my client and its likely I can discover which keywords alongside using Wordtracker can better help my clients website increase online sales.

If anyone else has any comments on Google Trends that thinks it may benefit readers of this blog then leave a message.

