Saturday, July 01, 2006

Free Web Software

I've recently gone back to a forum I was a member of up until a couple of years ago and found this posting on free web software.

Its of interest as it reminded me of how I started in the internet business trying to build up clients but unable to afford the "pro" software and resistant to using pirated versions of Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

So if you're just starting out (or thinking of starting out) the links on the forum

may prove invaluable.

Web software for free may not be as powerful as some other professional programs BUT there still functional enough to allow you to learn and develop your skills.

I'll finish by saying if you're looking for experts in the internet you won't go far wrong by trawling through Cre8asite's forum - there is a helluva lot of pages though!



PS And yes I did miss posting yesterday as not enough hours in the day!