Monday, October 09, 2006

Tendering for business contracts

If you're supplying your web services to "big" business or the public sector (governments, schools, hospitals, etc) you're going to be well aware of tendering for contracts.

For most small businesses though a simple quote will usually do giving brief details of what will be done and at what price. This has pretty much been standard practice for All Things Web over the past few years.

However I am finding my company is being requested for more formal tenders these days as the All Things Web web optimisation business has grown.

I'm pretty confident when it comes to writing tenders but as I am always keen to learn more I have approached a local UK Business Support Agency for help.

They have provided a detailed website on how to write a tender and I feel it is of a high enough quality to share with you.

Heres a link to Tendering for Contracts

Do bear in mind the pages I link to are written specifically for UK business. The way tenders and proposals are written in your part of the world may well be similar but I would advise you do check first before you start sending out proposals.

