Friday, October 24, 2008

Its no wonder web users get frustrated...

I enter the following "Audi S3 lease" into Google and the "first" result via Sponsored Links quite clearly states the search term I used.

I click on the link, thinking "Great!" just what I wanted. I then find I get dumped on the home page of a website that shows nothing on Audi's.

Guess who just wasted their budget for PPC? More importantly guess who just wasted my time?
Its Friday, the end of a long week, I'm grouchy (heh 5 a.m. starts do that to you) so I haven't got time to be messed around. I just want to be served up what I am looking for. Heh that just makes me a typical user!

So when a site then fails to IMMEDIATELY show an Audi S3 after quite clearly advertising one I lose all interest in that company and its products. Here's the site:

If anyone from the company is reading this please, please take note of my comments - serve users content that accurately relates to their search (either organically but especially via PPC) - you'll likely increase conversion rates of visitors into enquirers and stop click wastage.

There is no poorer experience in not showing the specific content on the product you are advertising or making it so hard for the web user to find what they are looking for they give up - especially at 6pm on a bloody Friday.

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