Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Say hello to the "Brad" Pack!

Its not because we're fans of Brad Pitt, it is in fact a group within my BNI chapter in Bristol: Bradman Chapter.

I'm not one for calling the group a chapter - it makes it sound like a Hells Angel meeting but thats what the greater gods of BNI deem so be it (for now).

Anyway I am now in a mini group within the chapter - as well as becoming Membership Co-ordinator and thought I would introduce the guys!

So in no apparent order:

Kevin Hurlow - Professional Mortgage Broker based near Bristol (no official website as yet)

Ian Burkitt - for reliable and pro-active IT Support Bristol

Kevin Edenborough - an exciting and dynamic (yes they DO exist!) Chartered Accountant in Bristol and Swindon

I'm looking forward to the opportunities we can provide to the rest of my BNI group.
