Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Drunkenly stumbling onwards....

Stumbleupon... since the paid link fiasco rose it's ugly head above the parapet, the disloyalty of Digg (supposedly, I've not covered Digg) and the non stop march of "social, social, social networking!" I've found that www.stumbleupon.com has stepped up to fill the breach...

I've been a member of Stumbleupon for quite a while - since late 2005 but I missed the boat on this one from the current levels of activity I seem to see there.

Now I have some catching up to do - made all the harder as there are so many Good stumblers.

I've seen the light though and now stumble upon websites and recommend them if I honestly feel they bring originality and creativity to the Internet (or quite simply make me laugh).
