Friday, June 09, 2006

MSN Adcenter - signup sucks

Reading about Microsoft Adcenter today I thought it would not harm to go sign up there for an account and see what is on offer.

So off I surf to and attempt to sign up.

And lo and behold a page appears informing me:

"Microsoft adCenter does not currently support the web browser you are using. Please sign in using Internet Explorer 6+. More about system requirements"

Now I can sometimes understand that some websites may fail to load correctly in Firefox - but at least they still display. What they do not do is inform me I have to use Internet Explorer to even see the content.

MSN - you're big enough to understand that over 10% of users choose Firefox as their preferred browser - and in the world of SEO and web design I would think that percentage probably doubles at least!

First impressions? Well being forced to use Microsoft's own product to sign up makes me very annoyed... i've never liked IE... have these guys never heard about browser support and accessibility?

This has left me quite pissed off on a hot Friday afternoon!

